
It feels strange to write 2020 let me tell you that, it’s also strange to be updating this blog again. Speghi has just released another great story Bishkek rats, which you should read. This also marks the end of the first part of the Trilogy, who knows what awaits you? Anyhow, I wanted to state what I and my “team” (currently 4 of us!!!) have planned for this year.

Our aim is to get some sort of playable demo out this summer. While this won’t be the full chapter, it should give you a slice of what’s to come, we hope to update it over time to turn it into the Final Drill Chapter 2 rather than releasing it as a whole package. I want to do this so I focus more on the side content of the game, which will play a big part in how you go through the story. The other reason why I want to do this is to bring content much quicker than having you wait a few months (or years…) for an actual update. I hope to bring some sort of roadmap out to you all once I know we can bring the game out on time, currently, that’s our milestone.

The other thing is too not forget the previous chapter, there are still some classic Ghosty moments in the game and since I have now grown as a writer and a spellchecker, these should be easily fixed and some parts are rewritten in order to keep in tone with the current story.

Gumpmas is still planned, I haven’t forgotten about it. I know what I want to announce for it, it’s just getting there. Some of it is complete, while others still need work. Please understand that this does take time, and some of us don’t have a lot of it right now.

Speghi has finished up the “Bishkek Trilogy”, which is a good read for those that want to delve into the characters a lot more. We do have some ideas for future stories to tell but I feel as if we want to continue the development of the game for a while, getting a game out to you is more important.

Anyhow from me and everybody currently working on the project. We hope too see you soon.
