“Bishkek Rats” – A Final Drill Short Story

After a six month delay, the inevitable has had to happen: I have finished writing a third story. That story’s title? “Bishkek Rats”. How long did this version of the story take me to write from scratch? About two weeks or so. I got done with it yesterday. I originally wanted to write Bishkek Rats in July. So what took me so long?

It probably had something to do with the personal issues that kept piling up on me during that period. I’m not gonna go into much detail, but as it turns out being forced to take your attention in all kinds of spans is a huge motivation killer to do anything regarding your hobbies. Who would’ve thought? So I started a scenario for Bishkek Rats only to lose all interest in continuing it shortly after.

These weeks, however is Christmas season, and by now I have the majority of stuff sorted out, and determined to not leave another story unfinished for years, I took the free time I got, sat down and finished it. Simple as that.

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